github pylint-dev/pylint v2.12.2

latest releases: v3.2.2, v3.2.1, v3.2.0...
2 years ago
  • Fixed a false positive for unused-import where everything was not analyzed properly inside typing guards.

  • Fixed a false-positive regression for used-before-assignment for
    typed variables in the body of class methods that reference the same class

    Closes #5342

  • Specified that the ignore-paths option considers "" to represent a
    windows directory delimiter instead of a regular expression escape

  • Fixed a crash with the ignore-paths option when invoking the option
    via the command line.

    Closes #5437

  • Fixed handling of Sphinx-style parameter docstrings with asterisks. These
    should be escaped with by prepending a "".

    Closes #5406

  • Add endLine and endColumn keys to output of JSONReporter.

    Closes #5380

  • Fixed handling of Google-style parameter specifications where descriptions
    are on the line following the parameter name. These were generating
    false positives for missing-param-doc.

    Closes #5452

  • Fix false negative for consider-iterating-dictionary during membership checks encapsulated in iterables
    or not in checks

    Closes #5323

  • unused-import now check all ancestors for typing guards

    Closes #5316

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