github pygmystack/pygmy v0.3.0
Pygmy v0.3.0

latest releases: v0.12.0, v0.11.0, v0.10.0...
4 years ago


  • Users using a custom .pygmy.yml file will need to update their labels to have the value of the name of the network which pygmy should connect to the container. true or 1 are no longer supported as values for this label.
  • If upgrading, it is recommended to use the clean command prior to use, however it has not been deemed needed for this release so please do so if you run into or open issues.


#187 - Weight label is treated as an integer/number properly, now not skewing string sorting.
#194 - Alternative configuration paths now supported on UNIX-based systems.
#196 - Fixes make process for use in WSL (Thanks @josephgultekin)
#199 - Supports testing against golangci-lint (former gometalinter) and tests in CI.
#201 - Improves verbosity when it comes to debugging
#205 - brew is now supported as an installation path
#210 - Viper defaults inheritance issues now resolved for resolvers
#211 - Viper defaults for defaults is now respected
#214 - Total rework of the network label and functionality.


  • See full details for this release!
  • To install with brew on MacOS, Linux or WSL, you can use the following:
    $ brew tap fubarhouse/pygmy-go && brew install pygmy-go
  • Notice any issues, bugs or have questions?
    Please raise an issue and we'll do our best to address them.

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