github pyg-team/pytorch_geometric 1.3.1

latest releases: 2.5.3, 2.5.2, 2.5.1...
4 years ago

This is a minor release which is mostly distributed for official PyTorch 1.2 support. In addition, it provides minor bugfixes and the following new features:


  • Non-normalized ChebConv in combination with a largest eigenvalue transform
  • Graph U-Net
  • Node2Vec
  • EdgePooling
  • Alternative GMMConv formulation with separate kernels
  • Alternative Top-K pooling formulation based on thresholds with examples on synthetic COLORS and TRIANGLES datasets


  • Pascal VOC 2011 with Berkeley keypoint annotations (PascalVOCKeypoints)
  • DBP15K dataset
  • WILLOWObjectClass dataset

Please also update related external packages via, e.g.:

$ pip install --upgrade torch-cluster

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