Updated to current Singularity version (2019-05-09, EVE version 1503340):
- Changes to t2 triglavian ships:
- Nergal: fitting bonuses to gun range bonus
- Draugur: lost destroyer role optimal range bonus and received MWD sig bloom bonus
- Ikitursa: fitting bonuses to gun range bonus
- Added 2 new types of graphs, DPS over time and Damage inflicted over time, for better understanding of spool-up weapons (added after re-upload)
- Re-enabled DNA export, added option which enables formatting tags (to paste result into in-game notepad, corp bulletins, etc)
- Micro Jump Drives and Micro Jump Field Generators are not automatically activated upon fitting
- Added FVB as jargon entry for focused void bomb
- Blank spots between modules are now copied correctly when copying fits