This is the fourth beta release for the 2.x release cycle. Please see this release for more information on v2.0!
Please note: The update checker is not currently functioning very well with these beta releases. Please be sure to check back often for new betas until this is fixed!
This release includes all the various fixes from the main release, as well as fixes a few issues with beta3:
Special thanks to @Neugeniko who did a hell of a lot of reporting on broken things! Even led to quite a few bugs in the 1.x series :D
Note: Due to an issue described in #1421, the wxPython version requirement has been set to v4.0.0b2, where previously it was set to v4.0.1. If you are a developer, Linux user, or otherwise manage your own pyfa dependencies, please take note. I hope this is a temporary measure and that a new wxPython release will become available soon that we can bump up to.
Additionally, if running pyfa from source, please note that there is a new package requirement, please see requirements.txt
- Character Skill import (in character editor) can now accept Roman Numerals (#1391)(thanks @BlueShanks!)
- Incorrect capacitor simulator results (#1405)
- "Change Amount" and "Save Character As..." window being horrendously small, not allowing proper display of information (#1399, #1424)
- Preference dialog has it's icons back (#1406)
- Bunch of import/export errors for various functionalities (#1410, #1411, #1412, #1459, #1453, #1420)
- Exception when dragging a fit (#1418)
- Fitting window not properly refreshing with graph window open (#1430)
- Re-enabled tab preview functionality (#1434)
- Enforced "Animate Gauges" setting (#1434)