github putyourlightson/craft-blitz 4.15.0

latest releases: 5.3.1, 4.18.1, 5.3.0...
2 months ago


  • Added a new blitz/cache/refresh-expired-elements console command for refreshing cached pages that track expired elements.
  • Added the BaseCachePurger::shouldPurgeAfterRefresh() method.


  • Drivers are now listed in alphabetical order, with “None” always listed first.
  • Improved the progress indicator during the generate cache process.
  • Simplified the default cache control header settings.
  • Pages that return empty content are no longer ignored from being cached.
  • The Content-Encoding header is no longer removed from responses.


  • Fixed a bug in which expiry dates were always being output using the current timestamp in the Blitz Diagnostics utility.
  • Fixed an edge-case bug in which cached includes were not being refreshed when expired.

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