github purescript/purescript v0.15.6

latest releases: v0.15.16-1, v0.15.16-0, v0.15.15...
20 months ago


  • Make FromJSON instance for Qualified backwards compatible (#4403 by @ptrfrncsmrph)

    Prior to #4293, Qualified was encoded to JSON such that

    >>> encode $ Qualified Nothing "foo"
    >>> encode $ Qualified (Just $ ModuleName "A") "bar"

    The type of Qualified has changed so that null no longer appears in JSON output, but for sake of backwards-compatibility with JSON that was produced prior to those changes (pre-v0.15.2), we need to accept null, which will be interpreted as Qualified ByNullSourcePos.

  • Fix extraneous qualifiers added to references to floated expressions (#4401 by @rhendric)

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