github pubkey/rxdb 15.20.0

latest releases: 15.26.0, 15.25.0, 15.24.0...
one month ago

JavaScript Database

  • ADD RxQuery.patch() RxQuery.incrementalPatch() RxQuery.modify() RxQuery.incrementalModify() and RxQuery.incrementalRemove().
  • FIX RxDocument.update() must return the latest revision of the RxDocument.
  • ADD(GraphQL replication) change GraphQL query builder functions to generate output fields for nested queries #5976
  • ADD queryModifier to SQLite RxStorage
  • IMPROVE performance of insert-many to the memory RxStorage by 40%.
  • IMPROVE performance of getHeightOfRevision().
  • ADD check to throw helpfull error message when a Date() object is passed instead of plain json data.

NOTICE: An overview about all releases can be found at the changelog

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