github pubkey/rxdb 13.9.0

latest releases: 15.23.0, 15.22.0, 15.21.3...
19 months ago
  • REFACTOR use faster areRxDocumentArraysEqual instead of doing a deep-equal check.
  • ADD check to easier debug wrongly behaving backend during replication.
  • FIX error dev-mode added multiple times is removed because it is annoying when using react hot-swap. Instead addRxPlugin() will now only throw if a different plugin is added that has the same name as a plugin that was added before.
  • REFACTOR create the digest of an attachment inside of the RxStorage, not in RxDB. This makes the behavior equal to CouchDB and solves a lot of problems caused by different hashing or base64 encoding of the RxStorage implementations. (Fixes #4107) Thanks @Elendiar
  • FIX GraphQL replication: should stop syncing if we receive less docs than pull.batchSize #4110 Thanks @jwallet

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