- Fixes error that would sometimes occur when starting a server that would cause the temporary power action lock to never be released due to a blocked channel.
- Fixes a bug causing the CPU usage of Wings to get stuck at 100% when a server is deleted while the installation process is running.
- Cleans up a lot of the logic for handling events between the server and environment process to make it easier to make modifications to down the road.
- Cleans up logic handling the
logic for stopping a server gracefully before terminating the process if it does not respond.
SHA256 Checksum
28a3d0a334559e1d4b0bc36e0ac90e44a20654b64512a898af0ad42472bb1156 wings_linux_amd64
c7637ca29642f4305d0d1462d177e66f7962de7bcd1847588fa38a8b8720d72b wings_linux_arm64