This is pre-release software. Do not use this on a mission critical server where you cannot handle bugs or potential downtime or data loss!
- Service configuration files are now retrieved from the panel the daemon is associated with rather than being locally managed. Any changes are automatically pulled on daemon boot.
- Daemon configuration is now possible using
npm run-script configure
to contact remote panel and collect the configuration file. - Support for sending commands and receiving server log over websockets.
bumped to1.7.2
bumped to0.6.0
in order to address a potential issue in file uploads in Chrome.- Minor version updates to multiple dependencies (no change in daemon function).
- SFTP subsystem now looking for container based on assigned ID and if a container is not found it will also attempt to locate it by image name before trying to create a new container.
- Fixes a race condition that would cause duplicate socket streams for data output and generally confuse both the panel and daemon.
- Fixes a race condition when booting SFTP subsystem container.
- Gamedig removed due to lac of updates and multiple security vulnerabilities in dependencies.
- Removed unused
SHA256 Checksum
6308231e74dbb7fa0cd772348aeb3973c5a494a96eaba28aa612bdb657d930cb Daemon-0.4.0-pre.1.tar.gz