This is the second release candidate of PrusaSlicer 2.9.1. This release fixes two bugs found in 2.9.1-rc1.
The release candidate saves its profiles into regular PrusaSlicer configuration directory. When you first run it, it will search for all configurations produced by alpha or beta versions and offer to create a copy of the latest one.
Changes with respect to 2.9.1-rc1
- Test of sequential printability reported names of the colliding objects incorrectly in certain cases (the test itself was correct). #14238
- Fixed freezing of the new SLA support points generator in certain cases.
- In very rare cases, the new SLA support points generator was crashing. These cases are now detected and an error message is shown instead.
Linux build is now distributed through Flathub. Please see the respective page on our Prusa Knowledge Base for instructions.