github prusa3d/PrusaSlicer version_2.5.1
PrusaSlicer 2.5.1

15 months ago



​This is the final release of PrusaSlicer 2.5.1, which is a minor release containing profiles for the Original Prusa XL printer and several related improvements over 2.5.0.

It does NOT contain Organic supports, the improved Cut tool, and other features introduced in PrusaSlicer 2.6.x series. These are currently only available in 2.6.0 prerelease versions (the most recent currently being 2.6.0-alpha5).

Improvements with respect to PrusaSlicer 2.5.0

  • 'Monotonic lines' top/bottom fill pattern
    It is very similar to Monotonic, except that adjacent lines are not connected. This allows for smaller perimeter/infill overlap and results in better filling of the top/bottom layer, less over-extrusion, and better dimensional accuracy.

  • It is now possible to set acceleration separately for external perimeters, solid infill and top solid infill (Print Settings->Speed->Acceleration control)
  • Original Prusa XL specific: Arrangement into the corner
    The Prusa XL printer has a segmented bed, and it is capable of heating just a part of it to lower power consumption. Because the most efficient way of doing this is to start heating at the corner, the Arrange function in PrusaSlicer can now be configured to prefer corners. The setting is available after right-clicking the Arrange icon in the top toolbar and defaults to "Front Left". Auto arrangement is forced when an object is added to an empty print bed.

Bugfixes with respect to PrusaSlicer 2.5.0

  • Fixed a crash sometimes occurring when slicing very detailed models #8834


  • Added Original Prusa XL profiles


  • Updated dictionaries for CS, DE, ES, FR, IT and PL

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