v1.21.0 2025-01-09
Provenance Blockchain version v1.21.0
updates all validators to have a 60% commission with 60% max. It also updates the staking parameters to set a minimum commission of 60%.
- Create the wisteria upgrade that will set validator commission rates PR 2260.
bumped to 1.48.0 (from 1.46.0) PR 2247.cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata
bumped to v0.5.2 (from v0.5.0) PR 2235.codecov/codecov-action
bumped to 5 (from 4) PR 2217.cosmossdk.io/client/v2
bumped to v2.0.0-beta.7 (from v2.0.0-beta.5) (PR 2224, PR 2231).cosmossdk.io/depinject
bumped to v1.1.0 (from v1.0.0) PR 2239.cosmossdk.io/log
bumped to v1.5.0 (from v1.4.1) PR 2214.cosmossdk.io/x/tx
bumped to v0.13.7 (from v0.13.5) (PR 2234, PR 2239).github.com/CosmWasm/wasmvm/v2
bumped to v2.1.4 (from v2.1.3) PR 2230.github.com/bytedance/sonic/loader
added at v0.2.0 PR 2214.github.com/bytedance/sonic
added at v1.12.3 PR 2214.github.com/cloudwego/base64x
added at v0.1.4 PR 2214.github.com/cloudwego/iasm
added at v0.2.0 PR 2214.github.com/cockroachdb/pebble
bumped to v1.1.2 (from v1.1.1) PR 2225.github.com/cosmos/cosmos-db
bumped to v1.1.0 (from v1.0.2) PR 2225.github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk
bumped to v0.50.11-pio-1 ofgithub.com/provenance-io/cosmos-sdk
(from v0.50.10-pio-1 ofgithub.com/provenance-io/cosmos-sdk
) PR 2239.github.com/cosmos/iavl
bumped to v1.2.2 (from v1.2.0) but is still replaced by v1.2.0 ofgithub.com/cosmos/iavl
PR 2239.github.com/emicklei/dot
bumped to v1.6.2 (from v1.6.1) PR 2239.github.com/go-logr/logr
bumped to v1.4.2 (from v1.4.1) PR 2235.github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2
added at v2.2.4 PR 2214.github.com/spf13/cast
bumped to v1.7.1 (from v1.7.0) PR 2246.github.com/stretchr/testify
bumped to v1.10.0 (from v1.9.0) PR 2226.github.com/twitchyliquid64/golang-asm
added at v0.15.1 PR 2214.golang.org/x/arch
added at v0.3.0 PR 2214.golang.org/x/crypto
bumped to v0.31.0 (from v0.28.0) PR 2233.golang.org/x/sync
bumped to v0.10.0 (from v0.8.0) (PR 2213, PR 2233).golang.org/x/sys
bumped to v0.28.0 (from v0.26.0) PR 2233.golang.org/x/term
bumped to v0.27.0 (from v0.25.0) PR 2233.golang.org/x/text
bumped to v0.21.0 (from v0.19.0) (PR 2213, PR 2233).google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api
bumped to v0.0.0-20241015192408-796eee8c2d53 (from v0.0.0-20240814211410-ddb44dafa142) (PR 2215, PR 2235).google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc
bumped to v0.0.0-20241015192408-796eee8c2d53 (from v0.0.0-20240814211410-ddb44dafa142) (PR 2215, PR 2235).google.golang.org/grpc
bumped to v1.69.2 (from v1.67.1) (PR 2215, PR 2235, PR 2244).google.golang.org/protobuf
bumped to v1.36.1 (from v1.35.1) (PR 2218, PR 2237, PR 2250).go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric
bumped to v1.31.0 (from v1.24.0) PR 2235.go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace
bumped to v1.31.0 (from v1.24.0) PR 2235.go.opentelemetry.io/otel
bumped to v1.31.0 (from v1.24.0) PR 2235.peter-evans/create-pull-request
bumped to 7.0.6 (from 7.0.5) PR 2251.