github prometheus/client_java v1.0.0-alpha-5
1.0.0-alpha-5 / 2023-09-13

latest releases: v1.3.6, v1.3.5, v1.3.4...
pre-release18 months ago

This is the current pre-release of the upcoming 1.0.0 version.

It adds the prometheus-metrics-simpleclinet-bridge module, which is the backwards-compatibility module for existing simpleclient metrics (client_java <= 0.16.0).

To include all metrics from the default simpliclient CollectorRegistry in the new default PrometheusRegistry, just add this line:


See the examples/example-simpleclient-bridge on the 1.0.x branch.

This completes the initial functionality for the 1.0.0 release. Next step is some refactoring (we want to rename all Builder methods to Lombok naming conventions because that's what people are used to from Spring). And finally, we need to add a lot of documentation!

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