github prometheus/client_java parent-0.16.0
0.16.0 / 2022-06-15

latest releases: v1.3.1, v1.3.0, v1.2.1...
2 years ago

[ENHANCEMENT] Environment variable PROMETHEUS_DISABLE_CREATED_SERIES=true for disabling _created metrics (#791). Thanks @mindw
[ENHANCEMENT] Support for OpenTelemetry trace sampling: Only traces that are sampled will be used as exemplars (#766). Thanks @fscellos
[ENHANCEMENT] Handle thread IDs <= 0. Apparently Apache Zookeeper generates negative thread IDs, which causes issues in jmx_exporter (#784). Thanks @dhoard
[ENHANCEMENT] Mark opentelemtry-api as optional to make it an optional dependency in OSGi (#790). Thanks @adessaigne.
[ENHANCEMENT] Move servlet adapters to an internal package to avoid duplicating classes when building OSGi bundles (#789). Thanks @adessaigne
[ENHANCEMENT] Extend the API of the HTTPServer.Builder to allow custom ExecutorService instances (#756). Thanks @dhoard
[ENHANCEMENT] Reduce the number of core threads in HTTPServer from 5 to 1. The HTTPServer will still start up to 5 threads on demand if there are parallel requests, but it will use only 1 thread as long as requests are sequential (#786).
[ENHANCEMENT] Optimize metric name sanitization: Replace the regular expression with a hard-coded optimized algorithm to improve performance (#777). Thanks @fwbrasil
[BUGFIX] Fix missing Dropwizard metrics in Vertx (#780). Thanks @yaronel.
[BUGFIX] Fix incorrect buffer size in the Servlet exporter (#794). Thanks @GreenRover for finding the issue and @dhoard for the fix.
[BUGFIX] Fix sample name filter for the JMX metric jvm_memory_bytes_committed (#768). Thanks @SvenssonWeb
[ENHANCEMENT] Lots of dependency version bumps.

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