github prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator v0.57.0
0.57.0 / 2022-06-02

latest releases: v0.73.1, pkg/client/v0.73.1, pkg/apis/monitoring/v0.73.1...
22 months ago

The main change introduced by this release is a new v1beta1 API version for the AlertmanagerConfig CRD.

Changes compared to the v1alpha1 API:

  • Renamed spec.muteTimeIntervals field to to spec.timeIntervals.
  • Removed regex field from the Matcher type.
  • Replaced all v1.SecretKeySelector types by the SecretKeySelector type
    • Removed optional field.
    • name and key fields are required.

As a pre-requisite, you need to deploy the admission webhook and configure the conversion webhook in the AlertmanagerConfig CRD object so that users can use both v1alpha1 and v1beta1 versions at the same time. There are more details in Documentation/user-guides/ about the webhook configuration.

Because of the conversion webhook requirement, the new version is an opt-in feature: the bundle.yaml file and the manifests from
example/prometheus-operator-crd don't deploy the new API version (the manifests to enable the v1beta1 version are under the example/prometheus-operator-crd-full directory). We will wait until v0.59.0 (at least) before enabling the new API version by default.

  • [CHANGE] Added validations at the API level for the time-based fields of the ThanosRuler CRD. #4815
  • [CHANGE] Added validations at the API level for the OpsGenie's responders field of the AlertmanagerConfig CRD. #4725
  • [FEATURE] Added v1beta1 version for AlertmanagerConfig CRD. #4709
  • [FEATURE] Added support for Telegram receiver in the AlertmanagerConfig CRD. #4726
  • [FEATURE] Added updateAlerts field to the OpsGenie configuration of the AlertmanagerConfig CRD. #4726
  • [FEATURE] Added hostAliases field to the the Alertmanager, Prometheus and ThanosRuler CRDs. #4787
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added configuration option in the jsonnet mixins to specify the aggregation labels. #4814
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added attachMetadata field to the PodMonitor CRD. #4792
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed the curl command for exec probes when listenLocal is set to true in the Prometheus object. It avoids temporary service outage due to long WAL replays. #4804

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