github projectsyn/lieutenant-api v0.12.0

latest release: v0.12.1
one month ago

11 changes since v0.11.0

🔎 Breaking Changes

  • Update OpenAPI codegen and dependencies (#215)
    There no breaking changes for the API.
    Changes some auto-generated structs the auto generated and exported client uses. Some values now have pointer types.

🚀 Features

  • Implement compileMeta endpoint according to SDD 0031 (#218)
    Requires a cluster with lieutenant-operator >=v1.6.0.

🐛 Fixes

  • Add minimal logger for controller runtime (#216)

🔗 Dependency Updates

  • Switch to known working vshn/vale version (#212)
  • Update Docker tag to v1.22 (#207)
  • Update k8s packages (#211)
  • Update actions/checkout action to v4 (#210)
  • Update mikepenz/release-changelog-builder-action action to v4 (#209)
  • Update module to v4.12.0 (#205)
  • Update module to v1.6.0 (#213)
  • Move to non-deprecated oapi-codegen packages (#217)

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