github projectdiscovery/httpx v1.3.5

latest releases: v1.6.3, v1.6.2, v1.6.1...
8 months ago

What's Changed

🎉 New Features

   -bp, -body-preview  display first N characters of response body (default 100)
  • Added option to respect redirect with HSTS policy by @secinto in #1335
   -rhsts, -respect-hsts  respect HSTS response headers for redirect requests
  • Added option to include response headers in JSONL output by @JoshuaMart in #1326
   -irh, -include-response-header  include http response (headers) in JSON output (-json only)
  • Added option to exclude screenshot bytes and body in JSONL response by @secinto in #1331
   -ehb, -exclude-headless-body  enable excluding headless header from json output
   -esb, -exclude-screenshot-bytes  enable excluding screenshot bytes from json output

🐞 Bug Fixes

Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.3.4...v1.3.5

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