v0.0.1 (2020-09-15)
First semantic versioning release, hello world!
Docker images are hosted on quay.io and can be pulled with the following command:
docker pull quay.io/clastix/capsule:v0.0.1
- Enforcing LimitRange, NetworkPolicy, ResourceQuota, and Scheduler Node Selector
- Enforcing Tenant prefix at Namespace creation (#41)
- Let Capsule run on any user-defined Namespace (#83)
- Protecting allowed Namespace names via regex (#73)
- Adding Namespace and Service metadata annotations and labels (#80, #84)
- Supporting Groups as Tenant ownership (#71)
- Providing allow and deny list as well as regex for Ingress and Storage classes (#89)
Many kudos to @bsctl, @MaxFedotov, and @ioggstream for their contributions and making this possible! 💪🏻