github profi200/open_agb_firm beta_2024-07-25
open_agb_firm beta build 2024-07-25

latest releases: beta_2024-12-24, beta_2024-07-30
7 months ago

What's Changed

  • Refactor IPS patching by @Nemris in #163
  • Video dithering has been fully disabled.
  • [libn3ds] Fixed a GPIO handling bug that may or may not degrade New 3DS hardware.
  • Screenshots now only contain the frame data itself and screenshots are in 5-bit RGB format which means they are 100% lossless. Beware of rounding errors when converting the .bmp files. GIMP is one program that converts them correctly. ImageMagick does not.
  • Added experimental support for true color correction thanks to hunterk and Pokefan531 for their amazing libretro shaders. Please note that 2/3DS LCDs are generally poor quality and don't come correctly calibrated from factory so the actual look might not match the LCD on a GBA but it's a real improvement for games like Golden Sun which look awful otherwise (see below). Also note that enabling color correction will shorten battery runtime (Testers welcome. I didn't measure battery runtime with and without.). For more instructions refer to the colorProfile setting in the README.
    More comparisons:
  • Other small changes under the hood which don't affect users.

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