github procrastinate-org/procrastinate 0.21.0
0.21.0: Support for SQLAlchemy

latest releases: 0.30.0rc1, 0.29.0, 0.28.0...
2 years ago



Breaking changes

  • Remove auto-loading of tasks (#425): before this version, if a task was not loaded as a side effect of the app, and its module was not specified in the import_paths parameters of the app, and a worker received that task, it tried as a last-resort attempt, to load this task through its name. This meant that someone controlling a task name could make the worker load any code. The feature was removed altogether.
    If your worker emited warnings like Task at {task_name} was not registered, it's been loaded dynamically. (with log action load_dynamic_task), it means you need to change the code for it to work. If the warning was not emitted, you're good to go.


  • Add a connector for SQLAlchemy with Psycopg2 (#453)


  • Misconfiguration of extra deps meant that the lib always depended on Django (#453)


  • Remove redundant word in worker logging (#446)
  • path_hook should raise ImportError when a module isn't found (#430)
  • Add Blueprint and lazy registration pattern (#423) (though it's being refactored at the moment, it's advised to wait for the next release)


  • Nitpick on (#448)
  • Fix docstring and Psycopg2Connector init signature (#447)



@mecampbellsoup and @tomdottom

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