github procrastinate-org/procrastinate 0.15.0
0.15.0: Improve periodic tasks

latest releases: 0.30.0rc1, 0.29.0, 0.28.0...
3 years ago


Breaking changes

  • It is now expected that connections are explicitly opened (and close): see documentation for the various ways of doing that. (#270)


  • You can now have a single periodic task be deferred multiple times on multiple queues (doc) (#296)
  • Tasks (including periodic tasks) now accept default locks and queueing locks in the same way as it was accepting default queues (doc) (#296)


  • Periodic tasks deferring won't be interrupted by long synchronous tasks (#296)


  • Add github actions (#290)
  • Badges (#299)
  • Additional doc on periodic tasks - forgotten wording fix (#294)


@ewjoachim and @thomasperrot

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