github prisma/prisma1 1.12.3
1.12.3 (2018-07-31)

latest releases: 1.34.12, 1.34.11, 1.34.10...
5 years ago



  • subscriptions over websocket were not firing for creates (#2824, #2819 , #2808)
  • #2832: DateTime before 1970 resulted in an internal server error (#2768)
  • #2828: Deleting Nodes with an id of type UUID resulted in an internal server error (#2799)
  • BREAKING #2829: We changed the ordering of returned results if the field specified in the orderBy does not take effect. This happens if all values for the provided field are the same or null. We use the id field to break such ties. This will now always be sorted in ascending order, independently of the sort order specified for the orderBy field. This now aligns with the behavior when not providing any filter.

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