Release Notes for Ratings-To-Plex-Ratings
May 8, 2023
- Updated (source)
- Repacked latest Python Script to exe. The exe now contains the latest python code updates (source)
- Fixed issue #2 by changing the search method to find movies by their unique IMDb id rather than by movie title (source)
May 6, 2023
- Merged remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (source)
- Added a progress bar that is multithreaded so the program will update the progress bar as it updates the Plex ratings #1 (source)
- Created an exe file to run the python file easier. Also, created a batch file to install the required packages (source)
- Added more detailed info about the program in (source)
- Removed the code for the find movie search. Added code to log when connecting to the selected server and not enable the update button until connected (source)
- Added the api call that updates the selected user's movie ratings in the Plex library to match the loaded IMDb ratings from the csv file (source)
- Added a log window to show the movies matched in the selected user's Plex library from the loaded csv file (source)
- Added login status to the program title/header and search for a movie in the selected user's Plex library (source)