What's Changed
- Remove onKeyDown event relying on KeyboardEvent.code -- Fixes #17392 by @balazsmeszegeto in #17393
- fix: #17222, hideOnDateTimeSelect issue for range by @imaksp in #17385
- Fix issue where the paginatorleft and paginatorright templates were n… by @GraemeG75 in #17379
- fix: #17314 - inputnumber model binding issue by @davidda in #17370
- fix(#17369) - Table - Fix row group footer rendered multiple times by @mserege in #17368
- fix: #17362 changed import to DynamicDialogModule in examples by @daniela-bonvini in #17361
- fix: rating keyboard navigation, fixes #17315 by @JaMeZ-B in #17342
- fix: #17339 scrolling behaviour in table with footer and frozen rows by @honboubao in #17340
- fix: datepicker when it's disabled by @SoyDiego in #17329
- fix decade title logic, fixes #17326 by @rosenthalj in #17327
- fix #17321: initial auto scroll by @rosenthalj in #17322
- docs: fix typo by @m-housni in #17317
- [FIX] add missing doc for active tab css selector by @pouyababaie in #17293
- update designer json-to-js regex to allow keys with dot notation by @jacksonopp in #17287
- fix: Fixes #17264 Card component subheader property by @honboubao in #17278
- fix: add missing rounded & text prop to maximize icon (Fixes #17275) by @imaksp in #17274
- fix(tablist): tabindex now correctly set from unwrapped computed signal by @jase88 in #17269
- Fix: Drawer(#17242) - Mask zIndex calculation bug by @mark7p in #17266
- Fix: ToolTip(#17243 ) - AppendTo bug by @mark7p in #17265
- fix: Fixes #17258 textarea style misplaced semi-colon by @honboubao in #17259
- fix: Fixes #17256 inputnumber Material theme CSS missing semi-colon by @honboubao in #17257
- docs: fix
template name in showcase code by @lezram in #17251 - fix #17146: correct month calculation logic to handle month, year transition… by @qwadrox in #17238
- docs(dynamicdialog): update documentation to include inputValues support by @nesgarbo in #17236
- fix: #17230 listbox and tree checkbox filled or outline variant by @honboubao in #17231
- fix: #17199 datepicker sizes by @mtrefzer in #17228
- fix: issue from previous PR #17370 by @davidda in #17400
- Add new emitter in Tree component: onNodeDoubleClick by @Xeway in #17284
- Fix: Table(#17062) | Adding custom sorticon should replace default sorticon. by @yxlim-dickson in #17281
- fix: update tablestyle.ts #17490 by @cetincakiroglu in #17492
- fix: refactor next button #17485 by @cetincakiroglu in #17493
- Showcase, Table: Use TableLazyLoadEvent instead of LazyLoadEvent by @can-oezkan in #17516
- Fix 17016 Close dynamic dialog on escape also when autoZindex is set to false by @shaman-apprentice in #17508
- fix: make build scripts cross platform by @davidda in #17497
- fix: p-treeTableCheckbox disabled not working by @stajne in #17495
- fix: make isSeparatorVisible full signal #17482 by @DaSchTour in #17483
- fix(picklist): Update picklist with drag and drop functionality issue #16578 by @ProgrammatoreInCamicia in #17475
- fix: remove aria-hidden from listbox focusable content by @TaneliTuomola in #17466
- fix(table): column resize does not work with sortable columns (#16735) by @LoaderB0T in #17461
- fix: aria-labels by @TaneliTuomola in #17448
- fix(p-menu): menu item visible flag logic by @Bock92 in #17441
- Fixed #17381 - Multiselect | Fix scoped tokens not working by @can-oezkan in #17427
- fix(rename): #17521 frozenexpandedrow and expandedrow by @ng-multivers in #17524
- fix: global input variant settings, fixes #17595 by @cetincakiroglu in #17596
New Contributors
- @balazsmeszegeto made their first contribution in #17393
- @imaksp made their first contribution in #17385
- @GraemeG75 made their first contribution in #17379
- @davidda made their first contribution in #17370
- @mserege made their first contribution in #17368
- @daniela-bonvini made their first contribution in #17361
- @JaMeZ-B made their first contribution in #17342
- @m-housni made their first contribution in #17317
- @jacksonopp made their first contribution in #17287
- @lezram made their first contribution in #17251
- @Xeway made their first contribution in #17284
- @yxlim-dickson made their first contribution in #17281
- @stajne made their first contribution in #17495
- @DaSchTour made their first contribution in #17483
- @ProgrammatoreInCamicia made their first contribution in #17475
- @Bock92 made their first contribution in #17441
- @ng-multivers made their first contribution in #17524
Full Changelog: 19.0.5...19.0.6