v1.13.0 (2024-08-26)
Feat: New version of Fenix added. Now fenix.log's history remains intact so it can provide more information (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)
Feat: New version of Updater added. It solves an issue when Prey services couldn't get restarted (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)
Fix: Log retrieval action now adds fenix.log in Windows to the information gather by the action. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)
Fix: Modify action of request native permission for MacOS. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)
Feat: Updates the version of NodeJS to 20.16.0. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)