github prest/prest v1.0.5

latest releases: v1.5.2, v1.5.1, v1.5.0...
3 years ago


cc7c500 301 to in the project maintainers (mainly open source) we dream of having a .com or .org domain we were able to register the domain
886a3e5 Added new Integrations section to documentation and added new (#485)
765d5f9 Auth: grant access to the endpoint when in the whitelist (#481)
6aef8fd Combine multiple appends into a single call
153da6a Fix admin bug report labels (#483)
c34b2a3 Fix script name (#484)
1d971e6 Fix support hyphen in dbname fixed: #446
01475d9 Give better visibility on the standard queries page
e6a4244 JWT white list support
69e8613 access ignore table configuration (#482)
5a646f5 added body and basic auth support
1517da3 basic documentation about the jwt token generating endpoint /auth
d224ca8 chenage jwt whitelist from string to slice (array) (#479)
548041c clear struct tag on JWTWhiteList
b912fac create dependabot file
ffdc344 create go mod in cmd/prestd folder
3b69be8 docs improvement configurations md style idents
9bb0a56 feat: implement auth jwt validation token
845487b fixed SQL against the ANSI syntax error at or near "-"
7accdb7 fixed auth table on main testdata
cb83e71 fixed batch table name set sufix -test
96047b5 fixed config package
9b677c3 fixed dbname on config parse test
0c8d4c1 fixed gofmt
2df3445 fixed title level on auth docs
48e67ec fixed typo
111db3c fixed typo: missing ',' before newline in composite literal
75e38fd fixed url match validation logic
3842962 force git checkout on goreleaser by tag
b2f8b5f full text search documentation
534a2c4 improve description of authentication documentation
f80e8c1 initial test to tsquery
df330a4 isolate jwt claims fixed: import cycle not allowed in test
c75bf67 make image size smaller
6bd9849 not check match url allow (#478)
f646e76 remove .vscode folder
5535a5c rename all database prest to prest-test on _test.go
b6a83b7 run migrate up auth on tests
8572345 set dbname with hyphen
4c7e310 set table patter on testdata toml
3fb612a starting implementation tsquery filter fixed #486
3e8451d type name will be used as auth.AuthClaims by other packages and that stutters; consider calling this Claims
61b142c unify go module files (#474)
7e70316 update testify to 1.4.0
31f8b41 upgrade go dependence modules
ab086a5 upgrade pREST long description
165c1f8 use jwt-go fork by @form3tech-oss
ee3ec42 use prefix in the standard table of the prest
fc06611 use string on create database dbname script
129704a use the schema to create the table prest_users the database is deleted from each test group performed
ac068d6 user field will be username if our user (developer) wants to store email no problem, but we can not leave some places with email name and others as username

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