github pressly/goose v2.4.0
Hybrid migration versioning

latest releases: v3.23.0, v3.22.1, v3.22.0...
6 years ago

We came up with a solution to the versioning problem.

Hybrid Versioning

We strongly recommend adopting a hybrid versioning approach, using both timestamps and sequential numbers. Migrations created during the development process are timestamped and sequential versions are ran on production. We believe this method will prevent the problem of conflicting versions when writing software in a team environment.
To help you adopt this approach, create will use the current timestamp as the migration version. When you're ready to deploy your migrations in a production environment, we also provide a helpful fix command to convert your migrations into sequential order, while preserving the timestamp ordering. We recommend running fix in the CI pipeline, and only when the migrations are ready for production.

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