github preactjs/preact 10.3.2
10.3.2 Love like no otter

latest releases: 10.21.0, 10.20.2, 10.20.1...
4 years ago

tl;dr: Another bug-fix only release. It's safe to upgrade and we encourage everybody to do so 👍

It's sunny today and I haven't been outside yet, so I'll make it quick: Those pesky ref TypeScript errors when used with a CSS-in-JS library should be no more! So if you're using styled-components, emotion, goober or any other CSS-in-JS library, this update is for you! 💯

@robertknight found that false values where not special cased for aria-* attributes as they have a different way of treating boolean values compared to the DOM. Many boolean-like attributes like aria-checked have three states:

  • true element is checked
  • false element is unchecked, but it's possible to check it
  • undefined (default) element can't be checked

As usual thank you so much for everyone who helped make Preact better by contributing code or reporting issues! You all rock 👍

Bug Fixes


  • Match useErrorBoundary type with componentDidCatch (#2332, thanks @intrnl)
  • Fix incompatible ref typing with ReactElement (& popular react libraries) (#2099, thanks @xiel)
  • Make useErrorBoundary's callback param optional (#2320, thanks @intrnl)


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