github pre-commit/pre-commit v2.18.0
pre-commit v2.18.0

latest releases: v4.0.1, v4.0.0, v3.8.0...
2 years ago


  • Keep GIT_HTTP_PROXY_AUTHMETHOD in git environ.
  • Support both cs and coursier executables for coursier hooks.
  • Include more information in errors for language_version / additional_dependencies for languages which do not support them.
  • Have autoupdate preferentially pick tags which look like versions when there are multiple equivalent tags.
  • Upgrade ruby-build.
  • Add top level default_install_hook_types which will be installed when --hook-types is not specified in pre-commit install.



  • Remove python3.6 support. Note that pre-commit still supports running hooks written in older versions, but pre-commit itself requires python 3.7+.
  • pre-commit has migrated from the master branch to main.

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