github praydog/UEVR 1.03
UEVR Beta 1.03

latest releases: 1.05, 1.04
13 months ago

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  • Frontend: Added Focus game on injection toggle (thanks @keton)
  • Framework: All saveable options can now be Reset to Default by right-clicking on any option and opening a context menu
  • Camera: Added Freeze Position and Freeze Rotation options under Camera
    • This is particularly useful for Mixed Reality content where you don't want the game's camera to move
  • Input: Added two new DPad shifting methods: Gesture (Head) + Left Joystick and Gesture (Head) + Right Joystick
    • This works by moving either the left or right joystick to the side of your head and feeling a vibration
    • When feeling the vibration, moving the sticks causes a DPad event to occur
  • Input: Added Left-handed Controller Inputs option (swaps left/right controller inputs)
  • Input: Motion controllers can now right click on the UEVR menu with the right controller's "X" button
  • UI: Added an option for L3 + R3 Long Press Menu Toggle under FrameworkConfig
    • This causes the UEVR menu to only open when doing a long press of L3 + R3 rather than instantly
  • UObjectHook: Display socket names for USceneComponent objects
  • UObjectHook: Added support for UInt32Property
  • UObjectHook: Added finetuning sliders for offset and rotation for component attachments
  • UObjectHook: Added some level of support for calling simpler functions
  • Plugins: Added some utility functions


  • Frontend: Fixed various programs like the Windows task manager being shown as injectable
  • Frontend: Fixed "import config" not updating the settings in the UI
  • SDK: Fixed some issues related to incorrect addresses or failures that could cause crashes
  • Splitscreen: Fixed view index 1 having strange rotational bugs
  • Splitscreen: Partial fixes for Native Stereo (may still be best to use synced with this)
  • CVars: Fixed some crashes related to setting r.HZBOcclusion in the CVars without disabling Disable HZBOcclusion
  • UObjectHook: Fixed duplicate attachment names not correctly being able to be opened under Attached Components
  • UObjectHook: Fixed paths that went through a StructProperty not being persistable
  • UObjectHook: Fixed properties within a StructProperty not being persistable
  • UpdateViewportRHI Hook: Fixed cases where this hook could cause extreme lag in some games
  • IXRTrackingSystemHook: Fixed a case where a 4.27 game could incorrectly be seen as a 4.26 game, causing a crash
  • OpenVR: Fixed the in-game GUI toggle not working
  • OpenVR: Fixed "UI Follows View" not working
  • OpenXR: Added a warning for users when XR_ERROR_LIMIT_REACHED occurs and how to solve it
  • Fixed "SceneView Compatibility Fix" causing doubling/multiplicative view matrix changes

Full Changelog: 1.02...1.03
Full Changelog (frontend): praydog/uevr-frontend@1.02...1.03

Installation and quick usage

Extract the to a folder of your choice, then:

  1. Launch the frontend GUI (UEVRInjector.exe)
  2. Launch the target game
  3. Locate the game in the process dropdown list
  4. Select your desired runtime (OpenVR/OpenXR)
  5. Toggle existing VR plugin nullification (if necessary)
  6. Configure pre-injection settings
  7. Inject

More information and troubleshooting can be found on the Documentation page.

Additional notes

You may need to whitelist the UEVR folder or executable within your antivirus software for the time being.

If nothing happens, try moving UEVR to a different folder.

Help! What games are Unreal Engine?

Use tools like Rai Pal.

Rai Pal is a tool by Raicuparta that can go through your entire library of games and attempt to tell you what engine, and what version of that engine they are using.

It also has some level of support for UEVR for automatic launching, as well as displaying user scores given to the VR compatibility of a given game. It can also auto-update UEVR when a new version is released here.




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