github pravega/zookeeper-operator v0.2.15

13 months ago

Change Log

Updating chart version to 0.2.14(#472)
Upgrade dependencies (#480)
Reevaluating number of client connections dynamically in the teardown script (#482)
upgrading zookeeper to 3.7.1 (#484)
missing deploy directory (#487)
Annotation field in zookeeper headless service does not update (#474)
Bump go version to 1.18(#498)
use socat instead of nc(#475)
Replace deprecated policy/v1beta1 PDB API(#428)
Add topologySpreadConstraints to PodSpec(#427)
Adjust behavior for pod labels(#511)
Adds nodeSelector, affinity and tolerations to the pre-delete hook Job(#518)
Critical CVE-2022-37434 in zookeeper-operator image(#508)
Bump from 2.15.0+incompatible to 2.16.0+incompatible(#528)
Bump from 0.3.7 to 0.3.8(#532)
Bump from 0.0.0-20220526153639-5463443f8c37 to 0.7.0(#534)

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