- Add Kaseikyo Protocol (Custom IR) #757 by @Lamnxzp
- A better way to save IR devices #793 by @varenichek22
- Fix SIRC20 Protocol (Custom IR) #833 by @Lamnxzp
- Fix wifi_brute.js script #775 by @Lamnxzp
- Fix taskInputHandler, remove blocking delay, optimisations #795 by @Tawank
- Fix strcmp in display.cpp #814 by @Tawank
- Add BLE Name & WiFi AP Credentials Settings #765 by @Lamnxzp
- Update net_utils.cpp #767 by @7wp81x
- Allow WebUI as a startup app #768 by @jordemort
- Add read cooldown to allow card removal in Chameleon module #780 by @bruno-1337
- Add NRF24 support for T-Display S3 board #809 by @epiHATR
- Add warnings and optimize flag to compiler and monitor_speed to platformio.ini #810 by @Tawank
- Add progress display in Scan Hosts #812 by @GameOneDev
- Add IR Tx Repeats support, fix IR on Serial Cmds #821 by @Lamnxzp
- W328R and S024R port, Invert color option #822 by @bmorcelli
- Customizable SPI bus pins for CC1101, SDCard and NRF24 #856 by @bmorcelli
- About device improvements f3dccdb