github ppy/osu 2024.113.0

latest releases: 2024.625.3, 2024.628.0, 2024.625.2...
5 months ago

Code Quality

  • Fix player submission test intermittent failures due to audio playback discrepancy logic kicking in (#26357 by @bdach)
  • Fix wiki link path inconsistencies (#26378 by @wooster0)


Fix beats sometimes being counted incorrectly in the timing editor (#26281 by @iminlikewithyou)

Smaller changes

  • Fix crash when dragging rotation control in editor with both mouse buttons (#26353 by @peppy)
  • Keep editor in frame stable mode when possible (#26382 by @peppy)
    • This is intended to be a catch-all fix for frame stable related issues in the editor.



  • Fix possible double score submission when auto-retrying via perfect mod (#26333 by @bdach)
  • Fix Cinema mod being compatible with mods that can force failure (#26438 by @bdach)

Gameplay (osu!)

Increase slider tails' score to 150 points (up from 30) (#26248 by @smoogipoo)

@Bubbleman532, @Zyfarok, and others in the community have mentioned that the changes to sliders (tails not affecting the slider's main judgement, because that judgement is now on the head) have made tails not worth as much anymore, and removes the need to aim sliders on higher SR maps that very rarely have any ticks in sliders.

This PR makes tails worth 150 points, compared to the 30 points of a normal tick.

Gameplay (osu!catch)

Fix backwards z-ordering of fruits in juice streams and banana showers (#26336 by @bdach)

Adjust catch scoring to match stable score V2 (#26405 by @bdach)

Gameplay (osu!mania)

Fix mania score conversion using score V1 accuracy (#26434 by @bdach)

Smaller changes

  • Fix some osu!mania skins not being processed due to errors in ini file (#26468 by @frenzibyte)

Gameplay (osu!taiko)

  • Fix standardised score conversion failing for some taiko scores due to overestimating accuracy portion (#26332 by @bdach)


  • Make chat command names case-insensitive (#26379 by @wooster0)
  • Flash blocking ongoing operations dialog when trying to force quit (#26381 by @Joehuu)
  • Disable pausing music during intro sequence (#26411 by @zacwm)
  • Fix wiki main page not displaying custom layout (#26441 by @Joehuu)


Fix multiplayer scores being submitted as pass even if failed (#26384 by @peppy)

Smaller changes

  • Update the current activity when the multiplayer room updates (#26343 by @adryzz)


Store user online state in config for next launch (#26337 by @bdach)

Stored status is reset on logout, so that it doesn't persist across multiple users logging in on one machine.


Set process priority of game window to high when focused (ppy/osu-framework#6104 by @peppy)

This is something we do on osu!stable and has large gains (for some users) on desktop systems, especially when shared with other heavy applications.

Only applies to windows.

Smaller changes


  • Do not attempt to recalculate non-legacy scores or scores set on custom rulesets (#26439 by @bdach)


  • Only validate playback rate when in submission context (#26484 by @bdach)


  • Fix overall ranking text overlapping at some aspect ratios (#26409 by @peppy)


Song Select

Improve speed of beatmap carousel load when scrolling (#26385 by @peppy)

The preload numbers are still on the conservative side. We can probably adjust these based on the system the game is running on in the future. Or across the board. But this should improve the overall responsiveness of carousel loading, something that's been bugging me for quite a while now (and not just me)

Smaller changes

  • Fix mod score multiplier rounding to 1.00x with specific mod combinations (#26140 by @CaffeeLake)
  • Remove scores from song select leaderboard when leaving the screen (#26410 by @peppy)
    • Noticed they would disappear-then-appear after visiting the ranking screen. Which feels very weird.
  • Fix crash when clicking osu! logo in song select immediately after exiting (#26437 by @bdach)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2024.106.0...2024.113.0

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