github ppy/osu 2022.1101.0

latest releases: 2024.625.3, 2024.628.0, 2024.625.2...
20 months ago

Thanks for following along! This is a tagged release (2022.1101.0). For more information check out the osu! changelog page and dev blog.


Fix time snap of sliders not matching when SV is not 1.0x (#21049 by @peppy)

Note that I'm still not decided on whether this should be re-integrated into the distance snap grid, which is why I added this back only the the required paths.


Adjust "Target Practice" and "Hold Off" mod multipliers (#21054 by @smoogipoo)

Fix osu!catch argon skin not displaying correctly on mobile devices (ppy/osu-framework#5495 by @EVAST9919)

Smaller changes

  • Fix large transform retention when adjusting accent colour of hitobject during pause (#21057 by @peppy)
  • Fix argon hit circle outer gradient getting smaller each state application (#21056 by @peppy)
  • Fix DrawableHitObject.AccentColour not being updated if object entry is not attached (#21059 by @peppy)
  • Rename mod "Target" to "Target Practice" (#21060 by @peppy)


  • Fix control points not being cloned when running beatmap conversion (#21052 by @peppy)


Fix notch toggle not applying correctly after restart (#21050 by @peppy)


Refactor drawable pool statistics output to make more sense (ppy/osu-framework#5490 by @peppy)

I was confused by the previous output, as it didn't do a great job showing the current pool usage – specifically it was not showing the current pool size in the denominator portion of the display, but the total usages. Which didn't make much sense at all.



Improve messaging when ruleset load fails (#21045 by @peppy)

No longer shows a very long version of the ruleset's assembly information, since this error message was supposed to be something that users can easily action on.

Full Changelog: 2022.1031.0...2022.1101.0

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