github ppy/osu 2022.1022.0

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20 months ago

Thanks for following along! This is a tagged release (2022.1022.0). For more information check out the osu! changelog page and dev blog.


Add unique hover/select samples to settings sidebar buttons (#20845 by @nekodex)

Fix adjusting volume via settings playing tick samples twice (#20848 by @peppy)

Resulted in a very "scratchy" sound that was not pleasing on the ears.

Code Quality


Fixed slider stream convert float precision edge case (#20650 by @OliBomby)

Under the right circumstances a slider to stream convert would put the last circle at the start of the slider, creating an incorrect stream.


This is now fixed.

Fix objects sometimes not being selected in timeline when making long selections (#20586 by @ekrctb)

Improve time-based selections in osu!catch / osu!mania editor playfield (#20704 by @ekrctb)


Improve editor drag box selection logic (#20703 by @ekrctb)

Should provide a better overall experience when dragging selections while using mouse wheel to adjust the current time.

Fix some UI elements getting cut off in compact timeline mode (#20738 by @peppy)

Adjust visuals of settings toolboxes (gameplay loading screen and editor) (#20739 by @peppy)

These were some of the most out-of-place designs so I've updated them to roughly be in line with newer design language. The player loader screen changes kind of came as a "bonus" because of the shared logic.

osu! 2022-10-13 at 07 37 03

osu! 2022-10-13 at 07 38 13

Allow arbitrary height catch editor (#20593 by @ekrctb)


With a tall window size, one can see more fruits at once.

Also allow changing scrolling speed in catch editor. Scroll speed is not saved. It is purely a feature for a better visualization.

To make this work, you will need to manually change bindings for "scroll speed increase" / "decrease" as to not conflict with editor mode changes.

Fix some argon circle layers not getting correct colour updates in editor (#20825 by @peppy)

Smaller changes

  • Fix slider ball facing incorrect direction during rewinding in editor (#20680 by @peppy)
  • Keep beatmap in collections even after saving changes (#20641 by @pfgithub)
  • Fix editor padding regression (#20808 by @peppy)



Fix HUD components being interactive even when the HUD is visually hidden (#20681 by @peppy)

Improve flashlight display on break periods (#20714 by @frenzibyte)

Fix legacy fallbacks not working correctly for beatmap skins (#20725 by @peppy)

At some point we broke partial beatmap skin implementations being able to use classic skin resources. It is working again.

Add "longest combo" counter to HUD components. (#20724 by @mk56-spn)


Hide menu cursor when non-mouse (e.g. keyboard) input is received (#20713 by @frenzibyte)

Smaller changes

  • Add support for weird storyboards which have backwards events (#20683 by @peppy)
  • Fix hit error bar icon orientation when rotated (#20780 by @outfoxxed)
    • Icons now keep their original orientation when the hit error bar is flipped, instead of breaking.
  • Add countdown sprites (ppy/osu-resources#218 by @LiterallyFabian)
    • Just the resources, not completely implemented yet!
  • Fix some older beatmaps having missing backgrounds (#20826 by @peppy)
    • Note that this will require a re-import of beatmaps as it is baked into the database. Doesn't affect too many beatmaps luckily.

Gameplay (osu!)

Move "argon" skin judgement text in front of hitobjects (#20735 by @peppy)

I wanted to do this from the start but thought it was going to be a PITA to make happen. Turns out it was pretty simple as we already used similar functionality for the classic skin.


Further adjust hit objects' fade to match osu!stable expectations (#20815 by @frenzibyte)

Enable slider ball tint on "classic" skin (#20834 by @frenzibyte)

Remove smoke trail maximum length (#20827 by @goodtrailer)

Smaller changes

Gameplay (osu!catch)

Fade out classic combo counter when HUD is hidden (#20266 by @cdwcgt)

Gameplay (osu!mania)

Fix PP counter breaking on rewind due to numeric overflow (#20691 by @Natelytle)

Implement hold "sliding" samples in osu!mania (#20708 by @peppy)

Remove duplicated colour in osu!mania argon skin column colouring (#20679 by @peppy)

There will probably be more change to colours, but let's just fix this for now. There were two of the same colour.

Uploading 20679.mp4…

Gameplay (osu!taiko)

Improve accuracy of barline generation in some beatmaps (#20606 by @sw1tchbl4d3r)

Fix taiko drum roll ticks sometimes overflowing outside the drum roll itself (#20809 by @peppy)


Fix tablets connected on startup sometimes not working properly (ppy/osu-framework#5462 by @frenzibyte)

Implement tablet pen/auxiliary button keybindings (#20771 by @AkiSakurai)

Main Menu

  • Improve intro music timing when osu! theme music is disabled (#20687 by @NotGumballer91)
  • Fix incorrect delay for non-theme music on "welcome" intro (#20720 by @peppy)


Add ability to remove the current item in multiplayer (#20763 by @smoogipoo)




Fix another unnecessary VBO flushing overhead in shader bind (ppy/osu-framework#5453 by @frenzibyte)

Reduce potential stutters when updating key bindings (#20707 by @peppy)

Reduce locking database overhead during import operations (#20712 by @peppy)




  • Fix potential exception in SubmittingPlayer token retrieval on request timeout (#20788 by @frenzibyte)


Update displays dropdown with external changes (#20568 by @Susko3)

Previously, it would load the displays once on startup.

Song Select

Fix clicking a leaderboard score at song select transitioning briefly to main menu (#20682 by @peppy)

Fix beatmap update button not respecting user "prefer no video" setting (#20702 by @peppy)

Request user confirmation on updating locally-modified beatmaps (#20729 by @frenzibyte)




  • Improve automatic cursor hiding logic and limit to gameplay screen (#20835 by @frenzibyte)
    • Avoids hiding the cursor at screens like the editor, where a user is regularly using both mouse and keyboard input at the same time.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2022.1008.0...2022.1022.0

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