New Features:
- Automatically detect hypopg on remort servers (Julien Rouhaud, thanks to github user MikhailSaynukov for the request)
- Fix sleep time calculation (Marc Cousin)
- Properly detect -Infinity as an unknown last snapshot (Julien Rouhaud)
- Properly handle error happening when retrieving the list of remote servers (Julien Rouhaud)
- Properly detect stop condition after checking if PoWA must be loaded (Julien Rouhaud)
- Close all thread's connections in case of uncatched error during snapshot (Marc Cousin)
- Immediately exit the worker thread if PoWA isn't present or can't be loaded (Julien Rouhaud)
- Improve server list stdout logging when no server is found (Julien Rouhaud)
- Do PoWA extension sanity checks for the dedicated repo connection too (Julien Rouhaud)
- Fix compatibility with python 3.9 (Julien Rouhaud, per report from Christoph Berg)