Nightly release - 2024-03-20
This build is the latest and greatest, although may not be the most stable as this is a nightly release.
Release notes
Revision (n_240320):
- 8391ca8 - @htotoo: Fox hunt (#2015)
- 807c763 - @NotherNgineer: Improved audio beep tone (#2014)
- 3085739 - @NotherNgineer: Added a beep duration parameter (#2013)
- 74442f1 - @NotherNgineer: Fixed Sonde RSSI "Beep" (#2012)
- b53c8e1 - @NotherNgineer: Stop audio DMA in baseband::shutdown() (#2011)
- c5f73cf - @NotherNgineer: Darken FileMan button colors for visibility (#2010)