Nightly release - 2024-01-08
This build is the latest and greatest, although may not be the most stable as this is a nightly release.
Release notes
Revision (n_240108):
- 4740df2 - @bernd-herzog: Usb serial shell workerthread #2 (#1738)
- ec0f45a - @bernd-herzog: added sys locks to time critical lcd updates (#1737)
- 9d7e06c - @htotoo: Appstart and applist from serial (#1736)
- 4b93e78 - @zxkmm: make pacman's face (mouse) face to the dir which he hits the wall (#1735)
- 5ced8c9 - @bernd-herzog: added radio saturation to performance counter (#1734)
- 9d22711 - @bernd-herzog: added usb event to not wait for the next frame (#1733)
- 23e6295 - @bernd-herzog: removed the use of the hackrf cpld eeprom (#1732)
- bbd75ab - @bernd-herzog: fixed usb descriptor product string length (#1731)
- 7508fee - @jLynx: Fixed sdcard zip folder structure (#1730)