github portainer/portainer 2.14.1
Release 2.14.1

latest releases: 2.20.3, 2.20.2, 2.19.5...
23 months ago


See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Known issues:

  • There is an issue when using a Mustache variable (e.g. {{service}}) multiple times in the YAML, where the UI also prompts for it multiple times, rather than prompting for it a single time and then reusing it.

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.14.1 release


  • Resolved an issue where users running Portainer with non-root access were receiving a 'Permission denied on docker-compose' error since the recent update to v2 Docker Compose. #6906


  • Resolved an issue where users upgrading a Portainer install, where the portainer_data volume is stored on a network volume, receive a 'Permission denied' error when the upgrade attempts a backup of the database. #7144
  • Fixed "Create user" button in disabled stage when external Auth enabled. #7214


  • Fixed issue where the edge agent could not connect when running Portainer behind a reverse proxy only supporting TLS v1.2. #7167

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