What's Changed
- fix: Embed icons in gresource to work with non-Pop icon theme by @ids1024 in #115
- fix(cli): Fix checking by @ids1024 in #117
- Add i18n support w/ Polish language support by @mmstick in #123
- Add french translation by @Booteille in #124
- i18n(nl): Add Dutch language support by @Vistaus in #125
- i18n(ru): Add Russian translation by @Carmina16 in #126
- i18n(es): Add Spanish translation by @fitojb in #127
- i18n(pt_BR): Add Brazilian Portuguese translation by @zbed in #128
- i18n(pt_BR): Add Brazilian Portuguese .desktop translations by @zbed in #129
- i18n(pt-BR): Add Brazilian Portuguese CLI translation (+ fix dir name) by @zbed in #132
- Add french translation to .desktop file by @Booteille in #130
- Added translation for Done button by @francarotti in #140
- i18n(bn): Translation Bangla by @Oymate in #133
- Add support for AppImageUpdate by @TheAssassin in #141
- i18n(hu): Add Hungarian translation by @girgunta in #142
- i18n(sr): Add Serbian (Latin) translation by @AAnzel in #143
- i18n(de): Add German translation by @raphipod in #144
- A few UI tweaks by @ids1024 in #145
- i18n(pt-BR): Add "flashing-completed-with-errors" translation by @francarotti in #146
- i18n(hu): Typo and grammar fixes to Hungarian language support by @xTibor in #147
- i18n(tr): Add Turkish translation by @alpkaanaksu in #148
- improv(readme): Fix bad translation links. Add new translations. by @AAnzel in #151
- i18n(kr): Add Korean translation. Needs additional overviews by @PolyPaul in #150
- i18n(ca): Add Catalan translation by @Toomoch in #152
- i18n(it): Add Italian language support by @ludovicobesana in #154
- Updated parts of Turkish translation by @tunix in #153
- i18n(it): Improvements to Italian language support by @ludovicobesana in #155
- i18n(sl): Add Slovenian translation by @LinuxHeki in #158
- i18n(it): Improvements to Italian language support by @ludovicobesana in #156
- Add arm64 builds by @jackpot51 in #162
- i18n(fi): Add Finnish translation by @pHamala in #163
- [TRANSLATION] Swedish Translation by @hallonmunken in #164
- Add support for sha1 by @LuckyTurtleDev in #168
- Update gtk-rs to 0.15 by @ids1024 in #170
- i18n(ja): Add Japanese translation by @pineapplehunter in #172
- Add D-Bus dependency by @PTrottier in #173
- i18n(sv): Added Swedish as an supported language in README. by @hallonmunken in #176
- i18n(zh-CN): Add Chinese (Simplified) Translation by @hedw1gP in #178
- i18n(cs): Add Czech translation by @YoriMirus in #185
- Updating listed Supported Languages by @n3m0-22 in #186
New Contributors
- @Booteille made their first contribution in #124
- @Vistaus made their first contribution in #125
- @Carmina16 made their first contribution in #126
- @fitojb made their first contribution in #127
- @zbed made their first contribution in #128
- @francarotti made their first contribution in #140
- @Oymate made their first contribution in #133
- @girgunta made their first contribution in #142
- @AAnzel made their first contribution in #143
- @raphipod made their first contribution in #144
- @xTibor made their first contribution in #147
- @alpkaanaksu made their first contribution in #148
- @PolyPaul made their first contribution in #150
- @Toomoch made their first contribution in #152
- @ludovicobesana made their first contribution in #154
- @tunix made their first contribution in #153
- @LinuxHeki made their first contribution in #158
- @pHamala made their first contribution in #163
- @hallonmunken made their first contribution in #164
- @LuckyTurtleDev made their first contribution in #168
- @pineapplehunter made their first contribution in #172
- @PTrottier made their first contribution in #173
- @hedw1gP made their first contribution in #178
- @YoriMirus made their first contribution in #185
- @n3m0-22 made their first contribution in #186
Full Changelog: 1.3.0...1.3.1