github ponylang/ponyc 0.55.1

latest releases: 0.58.5, 0.58.4, 0.58.3...
13 months ago

Remove stable from Docker images

Previously, we were including our very old and very deprecated dependency management tool stable in our ponyc Docker images. We've stopped.

Fix broken linking when using a sanitizer

The internal link command used when building a Pony program with a sanitizer in place wasn't correctly generated and linking the program would fail. This has been fixed.

Fix memory errors with some --debug program builds

When we upgraded to LLVM 15, we accidentally changed the optimization level applied to --debug builds. That change in optimization levels surfaced a rather complicated bug that we've been looking into. The end result? Some programs would crash with memory errors like segfaults or bad access.

We've updated to go back to the optimization setup we had with LLVM 14. We recommend updating your ponyc installation as soon as possible.

Move heap ownership info from chunk to pagemap

An internal runtime change has been made around where/how heap chunk ownership information is stored in order to improve performance. The tradeoff is that this will now use a little more memory in order to realize the performance gains.

[0.55.1] - 2023-08-16


  • Fix broken linking when using a sanitizer (PR #4393)
  • Fix memory errors with some --debug program builds (PR #4372)


  • Stop putting stable in ponyc Docker images (PR #4353)
  • Move heap ownership info from chunk to pagemap (PR #4371)

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