github ponylang/ponyc 0.55.0

latest releases: 0.58.5, 0.58.4, 0.58.3...
16 months ago

Switch supported MacOS version to Ventura

We've switched our supported MacOS version from Monterey to Ventura.

"Supported" means that all ponyc changes are tested on Ventura rather than Monterey and our pre-built ponyc distribution is built on Ventura.

Fixed a possible resource leak with with blocks

Previously, with blocks would allow the usage of _ as a variable in the with parameters.

A _ variable isn't usable within the block itself and dispose wasn't called on the variable as it isn't valid to call any methods on the special _ variable.

The lack of dispose call on objects that might control resources could result in a resource leak.

We've addressed the issue by disallowing _ as a variable name in with parameters.

This is a breaking change, albeit one we don't expect to have any "real-world" impact.

Drop Ubuntu 18.04 support

Ubuntu 18.04 has reached its end of life date. We've dropped it as a supported platform. That means, we no longer test against it when doing CI and we no longer create prebuilt binaries for installation via ponyup for Ubuntu 18.04.

We will maintain best effort to keep Ubuntu 18.04 continuing to work for anyone who wants to use it and builds ponyc from source.

[0.55.0] - 2023-05-27


  • Change supported MacOS version from Monterey to Ventura (PR #4349)
  • Fix a possible resource leak with with blocks (PR #4347)
  • Drop Ubuntu 18.04 support (PR #4351)

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