github ponylang/ponyc 0.51.2

latest releases: 0.58.5, 0.58.4, 0.58.3...
22 months ago

Allow constructor expressions to be auto-recovered in assignments or arguments

Previously for the following code:

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    let bar: Foo iso = Foo(88)

class Foo
  new create(v: U8) =>

primitive Bar
  fun take_foo(foo: Foo iso) =>

You'd get compilation errors "argument not assignable to parameter" and "right side must be a subtype of left side" for the two lines in Main.create().

We've added checks to see if the constructor expressions can be implicitly auto-recovered, and if they can, no compilation error is generated.

This only applies to cases where the type of the parameter (or the let binding) is a simple type, i.e. not a union, intersection or tuple type.

Support for RISC-V

Pony now supports compiling for RISC-V linux glibc systems. 64 bit rv64gc/lp64d is tested via CI. In theory 32 bit rv32gc/ilp32d might work but is untested currently.

Enhance runtime stats tracking

The current pony runtime stats tracking that was previously
defines has been enhanced. The new defines are called

Runtime stats tracking tracks the following actor info:

  • heap memory allocated
  • heap memory used
  • heap num allocated
  • heap realloc counter
  • heap alloc counter
  • heap free counter
  • heap gc counter
  • system message processing cpu usage
  • app message processing cpu usage
  • garbage collection cpu usage
  • messages sent counter
  • system messages processed counter
  • app messages processed counter

Runtime tracking tracks the following scheduler info:

  • mutemap memory used
  • mutemap memory allocated
  • memory used for gc acquire/release actormaps and actors created
  • memory allocated for gc acquire/release actormaps and actors created
  • created actors counter
  • destroyed actors counter
  • actor system message processing cpu for all actor runs on the scheduler
  • actor app message processing cpu for all actor runs on the scheduler
  • actor garbage collection cpu for all actor runs on the scheduler
  • scheduler message processing cpu usage
  • scheduler misc cpu usage while waiting to do work
  • memory used by inflight messages
  • memory allocated by inflight messages
  • number of inflight messages

There is also a new command line argument available to Pony programs
called --ponyprintstatsinterval that will print out scheduler statistics
every --ponyprintstatsinterval seconds along with printing out actor
statistics whenever an actor is destroyed. The output looks something like:

$ ./helloworld --ponyprintstatsinterval 1
Hello, world.
Actor stats for actor: 140661474674688, heap memory allocated: 0, heap memory used: 0, heap num allocated: 0, heap realloc counter: 0, heap alloc counter: 0, heap free counter: 0, heap gc counter: 0, system cpu: 2628, app cpu: 964, garbage collection marking cpu: 0, garbage collection sweeping cpu: 0, messages sent counter: 3, system messages processed counter: 1, app messages processed counter: 1
Actor stats for actor: 140661474675200, heap memory allocated: 0, heap memory used: 0, heap num allocated: 0, heap realloc counter: 0, heap alloc counter: 0, heap free counter: 0, heap gc counter: 0, system cpu: 1451, app cpu: 170026, garbage collection marking cpu: 0, garbage collection sweeping cpu: 0, messages sent counter: 0, system messages processed counter: 1, app messages processed counter: 2
Actor stats for actor: 140661474848256, heap memory allocated: 9664, heap memory used: 7408, heap num allocated: 63, heap realloc counter: 0, heap alloc counter: 63, heap free counter: 0, heap gc counter: 0, system cpu: 0, app cpu: 5561, garbage collection marking cpu: 0, garbage collection sweeping cpu: 0, messages sent counter: 8, system messages processed counter: 0, app messages processed counter: 1
Actor stats for actor: 140661474672640, heap memory allocated: 0, heap memory used: 0, heap num allocated: 0, heap realloc counter: 0, heap alloc counter: 0, heap free counter: 0, heap gc counter: 0, system cpu: 1820, app cpu: 103, garbage collection marking cpu: 0, garbage collection sweeping cpu: 0, messages sent counter: 3, system messages processed counter: 1, app messages processed counter: 1
Scheduler stats for index: 1, total memory allocated: -232, total memory used: -320, created actors counter: 0, destroyed actors counter: 1, actors app cpu: 0, actors gc marking cpu: 0, actors gc sweeping cpu: 0, actors system cpu: 2668, scheduler msgs cpu: 203532, scheduler misc cpu: 1871418, memory used inflight messages: 0, memory allocated inflight messages: 0, number of inflight messages: 0
Scheduler stats for index: 0, total memory allocated: -464, total memory used: -576, created actors counter: 0, destroyed actors counter: 1, actors app cpu: 176654, actors gc marking cpu: 0, actors gc sweeping cpu: 0, actors system cpu: 10118, scheduler msgs cpu: 172241, scheduler misc cpu: 1839211, memory used inflight messages: 0, memory allocated inflight messages: 0, number of inflight messages: 0
Scheduler stats for index: 3, total memory allocated: -56, total memory used: -64, created actors counter: 0, destroyed actors counter: 0, actors app cpu: 0, actors gc marking cpu: 0, actors gc sweeping cpu: 0, actors system cpu: 1820, scheduler msgs cpu: 150303, scheduler misc cpu: 1774791, memory used inflight messages: 0, memory allocated inflight messages: 0, number of inflight messages: 0
Scheduler stats for index: 2, total memory allocated: -896, total memory used: -1088, created actors counter: 0, destroyed actors counter: 2, actors app cpu: 0, actors gc marking cpu: 0, actors gc sweeping cpu: 0, actors system cpu: 583713, scheduler msgs cpu: 142592, scheduler misc cpu: 1286404, memory used inflight messages: 0, memory allocated inflight messages: 0, number of inflight messages: 0
Actor stats for actor: 140661474841600, heap memory allocated: 0, heap memory used: 0, heap num allocated: 0, heap realloc counter: 0, heap alloc counter: 0, heap free counter: 0, heap gc counter: 0, system cpu: 592420, app cpu: 0, garbage collection marking cpu: 0, garbage collection sweeping cpu: 0, messages sent counter: 0, system messages processed counter: 7, app messages processed counter: 0

This runtime stats tracking info has been exposed to pony programs as
part of the runtime_info package and an example runtime_info program
has been added to the examples directory.

The runtime stats tracking in a pony program can be used for some
useful validations for those folks concerned about
heap allocations in the critical path (i.e. if they
rely on the compiler's HeapToStack optimization pass
to convert heap allocations to stack allocations and
want to validate it is working correctly).

Example of possible use to validate number of heap allocations:

use "collections"
use "runtime_info"

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    let num_allocs_before = ActorStats.heap_alloc_counter(ActorStatsAuth(env.root))

    let ret = critical()

    let num_allocs_after = ActorStats.heap_alloc_counter(ActorStatsAuth(env.root))

    env.out.print("Allocations before: " + num_allocs_before.string())
    env.out.print("Allocations after: " + num_allocs_after.string())

    env.out.print("Critical section allocated " + (num_allocs_after - num_allocs_before).string() + " heap objects")

    env.out.print("Allocations at end: " + ActorStats.heap_alloc_counter(ActorStatsAuth(env.root)).string())

  fun critical(): U32 =>
    var x: U32 = 1
    let y: U32 = 1000

    for i in Range[U32](1, y) do
      x = x * y


Fix compiler crash related to using private types as default arguments

The compiler crash described in #4130 happened with code that attempted to call a method in a different package when this remote method used a package-private type as a default parameter.

// In the "lib" package

primitive _Private

primitive Public
  fun apply[T](v: (T | _Private) = _Private): None => None

// In main
use lib = "lib"

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    let p = lib.Public.apply[U8]()

It was decided that this code is valid Pony code, and this PR fixes the crash so that code like the above compiles.

Fix "incorrect" atomics usage

When reviewing other code, we noticed that an old PR that was porting code from one atomics system to another changed the semantics of some atomics. The changes would have no impact on X86, but could have an impact on CPUs with weaker memory models like Arm.

The changes would be tricky to easily evaluate if the changes (all weaken the semantics) are ok. Given that we do not have the time to evaluate the changes fully at the moment, we are switched to having stronger semantics.

This change might fix incorrect atomics usage and memory issues on Arm and RISC-V. It will definitely cause some amount of slowdown on those platforms.

If anyone wants to do a thorough review of various atomics and prove that we can
weaken any safely, we will happily accept PRs that contain proof of the safety.

[0.51.2] - 2022-08-26


  • Fix for crash when methods with default private type params in remote packages are called (PR #4167)
  • Fix incorrect atomics usage (PR #4159)


  • Auto-recover constructor expressions (PR #4124)
  • Support for RISC-V (PR #3435)
  • Enhance runtime stats tracking (PR #4144)

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