github ponylang/ponyc 0.48.0

latest releases: 0.58.5, 0.58.4, 0.58.3...
2 years ago

Add a pony primitive that exposes scheduler information

Previously, when users wanted to optimize the parallelizing work based on the maximum number of actors that can be run at a single time, we were pointing them to using the private runtime method @ponyint_sched_cores().

This was problematic for two reasons:

  1. We were pointing users at an internal implementation method that we hadn't promised not to change.
  2. We were requiring users to muck about with FFI for something that has become somewhat common for users wanting to maximize performance want to know.

We've now exposed some information about scheduler threads via a new package runtime_info thereby resolving both of the problems mentioned above.

Pony users should expect to see additional information added to the runtime_info package moving forward.

Anyone who was using the internal ponyint_sched_cores() FFI call will need to update to using runtime_info as the internal function has been removed.

Stop creating prebuilt ponyc releases for Ubuntu 21.04

Ubuntu 21.04 hit its end-of-life at the end of January 2022. We are no longer build prebuilt ponyc releases for it. If you are still using Ubuntu 21.04 and need ponyc for 21.04, you'll have to build from source.

The next Ubuntu LTS release is coming in April of 2022 and we'll be adding prebuilt ponyc for it. If have upgraded to a non-LTS Ubuntu after 21.04 that s still supported and would like us to do ponyc releases for it, please let us know via a GitHub issue or via the Ponylang Zulip.

Fix runtime crash when tracing class iso containing struct val

Prior to this fix, you could crash the runtime if you sent a val struct wrapper in an iso class. For example:

use "collections"

struct val Foo

class Bar
  let f: Foo = Foo

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    for i in Range(0, 20000) do
      inspect(recover Bar end)

  be inspect(wrap: Bar iso) =>
    None // Do something with wrap.f

Revert "prevent non-opaque structs from being used as behaviour parameters"

The bug that #3781 aka "prevent non-opaque structs from being used as behaviour parameters" was an attempt at preventing, as only partially solved by the change.

We've introduced a full fix in #3993 that removes the need for #3871.

Update to LLVM 13.0.1

We've updated the LLVM used to build Pony to 13.0.1.

Remove out parameter from pony_os_stdin_read

The signature of the pony_os_stdin_read function has been simplified to remove the bool* out_again parameter.

-PONY_API size_t pony_os_stdin_read(char* buffer, size_t space, bool* out_again)
+PONY_API size_t pony_os_stdin_read(char* buffer, size_t space)

It is permitted to call the pony_os_stdin_read function again in a loop if the return value is greater than zero, and the platform is not windows. Given that those two conditions are enough information to make a decision, the out_again parameter is not needed, and can be removed.

Technically this is a breaking change, because the function is prefixed with pony_ and is thus a public API. But it is unlikely that any code out there is directly using the pony_os_stdin_read function, apart from the Stdin actor in the standard library, which has been updated in its internal implementation details to match the new signature.

Expose additional scheduler information in the runtime_info package

Three additional methods have been added to SchedulerInfo.

  • minimum_schedulers

Returns the minimum number of schedulers that will be active.

  • scaling_is_active

Returns if scheduler scaling is on

  • will_yield_cpu

Returns if scheduler threads are yielding the CPU to other processes when they have no work to do.

Add additional methods to itertools

Previously there were methods for Iter within itertools which, while originally planned, where not implemented. These methods have now been implemented.

The added methods are:

  • dedup which removes local duplicates from consecutive identical elements via a provided hash function
  • interleave which alternates values between two iterators until both run out
  • interleave_shortest which alternates values between two iterators until one of them runs out
  • intersperse which yields a given value after every n elements of the iterator
  • step_by which yields every nth element of the iterator
  • unique which removes global duplicates of identical elements via a provided hash function

[0.48.0] - 2022-02-08


  • Fix runtime crash when tracing class iso containing struct val (PR #3993)


  • Add a pony primitive that exposes scheduler information (PR #3984)
  • Expose additional scheduler info via the runtime_info package (PR #3988)
  • Add additional methods to itertools (PR #3992)


  • Stop creating prebuilt ponyc releases for Ubuntu 21.04 (PR #3990)
  • Revert "prevent non-opaque structs from being used as behaviour parameters" (PR #3995)
  • Update LLVM to 13.0.1 (PR #3994)
  • Remove out parameter from pony_os_stdin_read (PR #4000)

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