github ponylang/ponyc 0.42.0

latest releases: 0.58.5, 0.58.4, 0.58.3...
2 years ago

Fix bug where Flags.remove could set flags in addition to unsetting them

Flags.remove when given a flag to remove that wasn't currently present in the set, would turn the flag on.
It should only be turning flags off, not turning them on.

Allow Flags instances to be created with a set bit encoding

Extending Flags.create to (optionally) allow initialization of a Flags
object with the numeric representation populated. This value defaults
to 0 (no flags set).

Don't allow PONYPATH to override standard library

Prior to this change, a library could contain a package called builtin that would override to standard library version. This could be an attack vector. You can still override the standard library location by using the ponyc --paths option.

Any code which relied on the PONYPATH items being before the standard library in the package search path will need to switch to using --paths on the ponyc command line.

[0.42.0] - 2021-07-07


  • Fix bug where Flags.remove could set flags in addition to unsetting them (PR #3777)


  • Allow Flags instances to be created with a set bit encoding (PR #3778)


  • Don't allow PONYPATH to override standard library (PR #3780)

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