github polterguy/magic v9.2.2
Better Web Sockets and SignalR support

latest releases: v17.3.9, v17.3.8, v17.3.7...
3 years ago

In this release I have stabilised the SignalR plugins, in addition to expanded upon these, adding among other things support for adding users to groups, and publish messages to groups. In addition, there is now a component in the Magic Dashboard allowing you to inspect current connections, which users are connected, etc. See the "Diagnostics/Sockets" menu item for details.

There is still some work left to be done in these regards, such as for instance adding paging and (real) filtering, since now it will retrieve all connections, which is obviously not good if you have tens of thousands of simultaneously connected users - But this release is a major step forward in regards to adding more and better SignalR and web sockets support to Magic.

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