github polterguy/magic v13.4.1
Maintenance release

latest releases: v17.3.9, v17.3.8, v17.3.7...
2 years ago

The primary features of this release is as follows.

  • SQLite database plugins now, making it easier to play around with different databases as you start out with Magic
  • Changing Cryptography navbar item to Keys and Bazar to Plugins to use more standard names
  • Minor UI improvements related to scrolling in navbar and plugins
  • Support for logging into backend with email as an option. Transparently supported
  • BabelMail and Babel plugins are removed since they don't apply to our high standards (yet!)
  • Trimming usernames both on authentication and registrations to avoid confusion
  • Correctly updating navbar after authentication occurs. There was a bug here sometimes "hanging" the old navbar items
  • Terminal is now moved to tools from management
  • Showing username from JWT token instead of localStorage, which is important if user logs in with email

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