github polkadot-js/api v0.93.1

latest releases: v12.0.2, v12.0.1, v11.3.1...
4 years ago
  • Support for Kusama CC2
  • In extrinsic submission, use rpc.account.nextIndex to retrieve the nonce when available
  • For TypeScript users api.query.*.* is now properly typed for default Substrate calls, i.e. api.query.balances.freeBalance(...) will return a Balance type. Additionally the api.queryMulti and .multi on queries not allow generic type params.
  • Add api.rpc.accounts.nextIndex, and api.rpc.rpc.methods calls. Optional calls (such as account/contracts) is decorated based on the results from rpc.methods, so they don't show up on nodes where they are not active.
  • Updated types to support the latest Polkadot/Substrate master changes
  • Support recursive type registration (self-referencing via Box) in addition to better sanitation of user-defined-types
  • Documentation and example updates (thanks mostly to contributions)

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